Thursday, April 14, 2011

Workshop 9: Architecture Photography!

Ugly and disgusting exterior of the Belconnen Mall versus the beautiful exterior of the ABS Building or the newly built Government Buildings...?

HDR attempt of Government building in Belconnen. Probably not the best, but a really dark building and really harsh mid-day sun do not mix well, as you can plainly see. This was just done using the 24-70mm wide angle lens.

This is an image of the ABS Building in Belconnen, it was originally meant to be an attempt at a HDR, but there are alot of factors to take into account when planning to take images like this. Firstly there will always be cars constantly driving past, which means the automated Merge to HDR in PS, is not always going to give you a final accurate shot as you can see circled in pink. The best way might just be to remove the cars totally from the image. The second issue is whether or not you will be either asked to, or will want to hide away dirty pollution & smog marks on the side of your chosen building. (See circled in pink) I would love to reshoot this building, and even possibly use it for my building representation of David Jones Head office, obviously replacing the ABS name with DJ's. It might also be useful to have some polarising filters, and coming at a nicer time of day, like just before sunset, for example.

Creative/Boredom piece. (Whilst waiting for the use of the tilt-shift)

An attempt at fixing converging lines of the ABS Building.

Fun with Tilt-Shift!!!!!

I like to think it's a creative image =)

Leading lines (sky is so dark to compensate for how bright the sun was making the building, you can't win them all. Well maybe with a HDR, but Shhhhh!)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Workshop 8: Interior Photography: Belconnen Mall

Interior Photography can be one of the more difficult types that you may come across when hired by a client. The lighting can effect the way everything appears. You have to consider how much space you have to shoot in, how much of the subject the camera sees is a tiny comparison to what the human eye can see, most clients will expect you to achieve this.

HDR attempt of the lift in the mall

Interior of new section of mall, near target

interior shot including the ceiling and floor, fixed lines

HDR of the elevator on level 2, near myer entrance

creative image =)

Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is a major part of the photographic industry within Australia. The Australian landscape offers many vast and marvellous attractions for professional and entry level photographers. This type of imagery can be used for many different purposes, such as advertising, editiorial, and as house hold decor, just as examples. Traditional landscape photography captures the essence of nature, and is often free of man-made structures. That is when you start to move into the sub-genre of cityscapes. Landscape photographers attempt to document and portray the scene accurately, but they also demonstrate an appreciation for the beauty of the environment.

There are a few technical aspects of this type of photography to consider. Firstly you need some tools such as; a camera body; a few different wide angle lenses, 24mm and the 35mm are the usual suspects; filters - a split neutral density or polarising; a tripod and camera release cable.